emotions Institute for Integrative Nutrition meditation music The Elephant and the Driver

Adam King’s Music

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Written on January 18, 2017, posted on January 18, 2018

The Spirit of the Island II by Allison L. Williams Hill
I’m listening to HALO right now, one of Adam King’s compositions. I met Adam King by mistake. Darius Barazandeh, the founder of You Wealth Revolution, had workshops I was interested in. Adam King’s The Tessera Method, my error selection, was not one of them. He offered me the opportunity to try it and if I was not satisfied, he would refund the cost. I rarely listen to or use the course I wanted instead of the Tessera Method. Things do happen for a reason.
The Tessera Method offers the user a different way of thinking. If applied, the tangled web of emotions and logic reform to produce a balanced way forward. You drive yourself instead of your reactions to the external world driving you.
I recently thanked him for carrying me.  I did not explain on Facebook that I was grateful for all of the hours of his music and Tessera that helped me through, and continue to, my husband’s body death.  I played one piece over and over and over.  It kept me “here.” So often I thought of joining my husband. My Beloved wanted me to be around more people because had I remained in isolation, I probably would have done it.  I thought of it many times before meeting him. The only thing that changed was the reason, not the method.  Another friend who crossed over made it clear to me that the feelings one carried into suicide remained with them.  It would not have brought me to my Beloved.
I listened to Adam’s music as I wrote my first novel.  I listened to his music as I meditated.  I listened to his music as I did psychic art.  And I listened to his music as I cried for my Beloved as I lay in his bed.
I am here for a reason and I am pursuing it.  I do my best by God.   Some might be thinking, “Well, what is it?”  Only I need to know.  If it brings us together, then we will both learn from it and move through it.
Below are some of the videos  I created with Adam’s music, with his permission.

One more thing.  As I wrote Shades, my first novel, Adam’s music was playing in my head. Chartreuse was dancing to “Freedom Andrea’s Oboe.” Click on Shades to read a few chapters.
 Thank you, Adam. You are a genius.
 Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through

     Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling. I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica – “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Solo Build It!

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diet food plan health Institute for Integrative Nutrition realize your dreams

In-Vesica Health Program

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on January 11, 2018

The Roam by Allison L. Williams Hill

Every diet ever written has someone’s name on it or culture or condition, or religion associated with it.

That does not mean it will work for you.  Each of us is uniquely individual.  Small tweaks here and there separate us to the extent that food and lifestyle plans are specific to environmental and physical conditions.

What the Institute for Integrative Nutrition gave due attention to is a concept called Primary Food. Joshua Rosenthal, the founder, noticed that no matter how pristine one’s diet or food plan is, if it is not coupled with the right thinking and feeling, its effect is rendered almost useless.  Mind and heart must be in harmony in order to use the nutrition one consumes.

My work looks at energy center integration and the fulfillment of four areas of your life all of which need to be attended to. A simple question to ask yourself is: “Am I happy?”

Dr. Bruce Lipton, the author of “Wisdom of Your Cells”, shattered accepted dogma with new information that folds so beautifully as whipped egg whites (or egg substitute) into the batter: our thoughts directly affect our physical bodies. And Dr. Candace Pert, author of “Molecules of Emotion” proved our emotions affect our physical bodies.

What both acknowledge is that:

                       > Your body is energy influenced by energy.

                        >Thought is energy.

                        >Thought influences your body.

The subconscious holds the beliefs that the young mind selected and stored between the ages of 2 and 5.  The beliefs serve to protect when they are the correct beliefs to have.  When embedded, beliefs block that which can improve your life. They need to be reprogrammed.  Regardless of what you do to change yourself, those beliefs, if left in place, may make it difficult for you to sustain. Full Spectrum Living looks to see if any blocks exist to maximize the time and money you are investing into your new undertaking.

The best question to ask yourself is: “Am I happy?” If the answer is no, then ask “Why aren’t I?”

That is why the health history interview is soooo important! Your early life, your life with your family, the life you have created, and the life you are living now, if it differs, contribute to what is happening NOW.

Let’s sit and talk about your life.

Health Coach Services 

I am an integrative health practitioner certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.  I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist, designer, planner, Master Metaphysician, Wholistic Health Coach, and inventor. She shares her work and services through


Solo Build It!

In-Vesica Is Powered by SBI!-

demonstrating gratitude desires Institute for Integrative Nutrition Solo Build It splendid visualization

How to Splendo to Become Splendid

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

(How to Splendo to Become Splendid by Allison L. Williams Hill was originally pub. On Inner Eden 5/2012)

“Prophecy” from the “Gifts from Spirit” series   

Splendid is defined as “brilliant with light or color, radiant; magnificent, glorious; illustrious,” from the Latin meaning “to shine.”  The second syllable of splendid is the past tense of having done; to bring about, executed.

Now, do, as in “to-“fulfill, complete.”  Similarly, the definitions for “did” also apply to “do.” What differentiates them is time; we “do” to get to “did.”

The word “splendid” was the charm.  I was lying in bed around 3AM when the idea presented itself.  A new word – splendo – meaning “to make brilliant with light or color; to make magnificent; to make shine.”

You physically make things, and your body, shine by polishing, over and over, until it reflects light.  Silver; brass; gold; pots and pans, and even shoes look better, cleaner.  You scrub your body with a loofah; synthetic scrubber, and exfoliates.  You use toothpaste and shampoos.  When you do any of those things, you validate the positive.  Those acts cleanse, brighten, and preserve. You are, essentially, demonstrating gratitude.  You appreciate what you have.

We get to splendid by splendoing; we do to become.  Begin by being grateful for existing.  There are few lives that have storybook experiences.  It may help to read biographies, of famous and not-so-famous people. They are born into obligations and responsibilities; age; divorce; become ill; have relatives who become ill; or succeed, or fail like other people. Learn about their paths and trials and how they used their abilities to grow.  Similar experiences may provide useful insight.

Express gratitude.  “I AM” is an enormously powerful statement, a declaration of being “here.” Mentally say, “I desire (Fill in the blank. All of the universes are the limit!!) in my life.” Intend for the outcome that you cast free in the ether.  Some of you may not know how to intend. You intend by supporting it, by meaning it.  Pinky swear! It is said that when this is done, the intention that is, is going to happen and you should let it go.

On the other hand, our minds tend to clinch its mental teeth on that which we want and do not have. A positive way to empower the intention is to add parts to its whole by deepening the entire outcome.  Get clear on the car, type, color, equipment, etc. that you want, and even things that have not even been invented yet.  Strengthen this by how you will use the car.  The car can bring you to a national park where you can fall in love with nature again.  The car can bring you to the soup kitchen connected with the shelter you created that houses several families and people in transition.

Think about how useful a person you already are.  Clarify your subject of study and associated subjects that will strengthen it and what happens beyond that such as whether you are employed or employing one thousand qualified people! Go beyond that and visualize and prepare for the tens of thousands your work will positively affect. Think about how that will happen.  Think about how that will make you feel.  Think about how you will shine your light into the world.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through In-Vesica.

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details. 

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling on weight management, emotional eating, and self-image issues to professional women, caregivers, and healers.

I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Solo Build It!
SBI – the place where I successfully learned to create In-Vesica.

acting desires Institute for Integrative Nutrition manifestation movie directors realization realize your dreams storyboard talent visualization

Storyboard Your Desires!!!

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted March 21, 2014

I sometimes wondered if I could have had a career as an actor.  I watched directors direct.  Some are extremely meticulous.  S/he has a vision and only that is what s/he wants to see on film.  And others actually encourage actors to contribute what they know best.  I don’t remember the director’s name but he was actually shaping the fingers of the actress as she stood on a bridge with her hands over the railing.  He would be the former.  Clint Eastwood would be, no, the latter.  The commentary on the “Bridges of Madison County” DVD was fantastic to listen to.  He would be someone I would enjoy working for if I had talent.  My issue is a lack of patience with the process.  My hat is off to all credible performers for enduring the creation of the art.

Well, that is only a part of what I wanted to say.  I listen to many young, old, and in-betweenies recite and narrate scenes from programs or movies they saw.

“He, like, has this gigantic gun, man, slung over his left shoulder, cause the other arm was shot up but that did not stop ‘im from shootin.’ ”

“The dress was low cut in the front.  It was a wonder she dident pop out, you know?  That silver was, it looked like it was white and blue, like wow, it was all a deez cullahs.’ ”

It’s fun to hear the attention to detail people remember when they talk about a movie or a television show.  That is the end product.  The directors create that end product.  On the Star Trek Nemesis DVD, Stuart Baird was full of what his vision was.  Not meaning that negatively, the special feature showed how it was realized.  Let’s take a page from this director and every other – Lucas, Spielberg, etc. with storyboarding.

I love art and the storyboarding process is wonderful instructional artwork that includes, but is not limited to:

  • ·         points of view;
  • ·         colors of a scene or set;
  • ·         positions of actors or others in the scene;
  • ·         the action in the scene;
  • ·         the direction of action in the scene, and
  • ·         special effects.

There may be more things that are incorporated.  Whatever the end result is it is shown in the storyboard.  It is a two-dimensional freeze frame of a movie.  It is a tool that permits the participants to plan and be aware of all of the pieces and moves that the product will undergo.  It is tedious, it is labor intensive but it identifies the path on which the project visually develops.

Before you get to the actual enactment, work out what you desire to do on paper in two ways- as you would read or recall it and as you would see it.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist, designer, planner, healer, Integrative Health Coach, and inventor. She shares her work and services through:

In-Vesica  Art   Design   Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

What Is a Health Coach? 

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling.  I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica  “Do All Things In-Vesica.”


chemtrails Institute for Integrative Nutrition Monsanto organic farmers

I Want To Eat Food!

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

Thought Nummo detail by Allison L. Williams Hill

February 24, 2014

It seemed like a good idea at first.

When I saw the post for a park to be planted with fruit-bearing trees in Seattle, the first of its kind in the United States, I thought that was great.  I saw an article for a park at Beacon Hill that ran in Seattle magazine in August 2012.

I “liked” the post.

When a friend reposted it my comment was “Great idea, however, I keep thinking the maintenance would be in the form of Round Up or similar.”

The last thought that occurred this morning as I made my husband’s breakfast was that it was irrelevant that Monsanto produces these products.  If by some chance there is an insistence that the maintenance and care would be organic and the staff, paid and/or volunteer saw to it, there is the phantom factor of chemtrails that line the skies turning them white and raining down ungodly elements that Nature cannot use.

Chemtrail Central documented information on chemtrails between 2000 and 2001. The author used a sheet of glass, set it in rain, and noticed that a film formed.  He had it analyzed.  If anyone disputes the results, his process, as I have given it, makes it extremely easy for anyone to duplicate.  If money is an issue, I would suggest taking it to the local agriculture extension.  Your purpose would be to see what is in the rain and how it can help your personal crops or your lawn.

Ted Gunderson, former FBI chief spoke about chemtrails tying them to the United Nations.  See his video done in the last year of his life.   It may be coincidental that Mr. Gunderson crossed over in the same year that he recorded that video.  Representative Dennis Kucinich acknowledged their existence and listed it in his Preservation of Space bill.

My husband’s parents were from the British Virgin Islands.  He spoke of his visits during the summer when he was sent to do chores.  On the way to and on his return, he has his choice of what fruits he wanted to eat.  The fruit trees were various and plentiful; he was never hungry. Those days, chemtrails did not exist.  They do today and to all of the organic farmers, I ask how these rains impact the quality of the food that is grown in the interest of guaranteeing its quality for themselves and others interested in improving their health.

While in the BVI, I noticed chemtrails being sprayed there as well.  It was significant that they were most abundant when cruise ships visited.  A BV Islander noticed them too.  “More people get sick with sore throats after they appear,” she said.

March 8, 2014

David Paul Starr posted on Facebook content that also acknowledges and documents that chemtrails exist and what the stuff in them does to the body, particularly the brain, the Command Center.

“Every breath we take is now laden with toxic metals and chemicals from the ongoing global atmospheric spraying. These materials “bioaccumulate” our bodies and brains. What we face from the climate engineering programs is nothing less than an all-out assault against us, the planet, and all life.” – Dane Wigington, of Engineering Watch wrote in the  article: Neurologist Warns Aluminum in Chemtrails Could Cause “Explosive Increase in Neurodegenerative Diseases.”

We are living in it, walking, breathing, and working in it now.   I say it is a thinning of all populations by poisoning everything available.  It is logical that those who are implementing this project have their health-supporting resources allocated.

Build your own business online….Build your own business online

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services at:

logoIn-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

Metaphysical Services and Spiritual Art “Do All Things In-Vesica”

Registered Medium and Spiritual Counselor, Certified  Spiritual Healer, Church of Wisdom, and a member of the Holistic Healers/Healing Works Professional Association.

Thumb Print and Thumb Print Too

Art   Clothing   Objects “…as genuine as your own.” Since 1977

Get a free 50 minute Health History.  Go to Full Spectrum Living for details.

Health Coach Services “Live fully…live well.”

A health coach (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling on weight management, emotional eating, and self-image issues to professional women, caregivers, and healers.

I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

Bt toxin GMOs Institute for Integrative Nutrition Monsanto

Food Industry Investigation

By Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on February 23, 2014

Stop Bill C-18

Bill C-18, the “Agricultural Growth Act” omnibus bill, amending several federal agricultural laws, was introduced in Parliament on December 9, 2013. If passed, it will give multi-national agri-business much more money, power and control while increasing farmers’ costs and reducing farmers’ autonomy and Canadian sovereignty.

The following information about Bill C-18 and its implications, as well as about the NFU’s proposed Farmers Seed Act can be used as a Toolkit to help you organize opposition to the Bill.

Clarify your understanding of key issues related to C-18 by reading “Questions and Answers about Bill C-18.” A pdf download.

Question II by Allison L. Williams Hill

I thought the person who filed a lawsuit against a fast food chain would have validity if it had addressed the quality of the food products. For example, it was revealed that many fast food chain products contain GMOs. Rodale’s 2012 impactful study showed that the Bt toxin, long defended by Monsanto as being destroyed in the abdomen’s acid, showed up in the placental tissue of pregnant women and in their newborns.

Rather the lawsuit was dismissed because the plaintiff had the ability to not eat the product and to control what went into the body. With GMO products, one cannot control what is in the product. And yet, products containing GMOs are not labeled as such.

The rising rate of diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease has led to the possibility of investigating the food industry’s knowledge and intent of creating food products that created addictive behavior.

Who is encouraging this? Is it the citizen groups who have had the experience of being told what is available for them to consume? Is it scientists who have studied the effects of food on the human body and mind? Is it the insurance industry that is paying out for these illnesses? Is it the state government funding Medicare and Medicaid?

The lack of information or the provision of “designed” information about the contents of processed food and its impact on behavior is almost as derisive as lying. The knowledge of what is not healthy is in it and known but not told.

This is a plan: Increase the desire to get more food that, when consumed, has physical consequences (which varies per person) then sell the remedy to solve that problem. That is the back-end sale of the pharmaceutical industry. Along with agriculture, both are monitored by the Food and Drug Administration. The title of this department had never been the Food and Drug Safety Administration.

Is it necessary to investigate whether the food industry was aware of the addictive nature of its product formulas? High fructose corn syrup, the cheapest sweetener, and the most effective substance in turning off the body’s natural system of satiation are considered the major cause of obesity and diabetes II in adults and children in this country.

Is it necessary to investigate the food industry’s knowledge of the impact of advertising on children? I’ve not read Ray Crock’s biography, but Eric Schlosser, the author, discussed Crock’s observations at McDonald’s in his presentation at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. While I walk, I listen to the IIN lectures constantly on an iPod, provided by the school when I did the program online even though I graduated from the program almost 4 years ago. Crock noticed that the money spent increased when children came into the restaurant with adults. In other words, when children came, they made more money.

That intelligence has been applied to commercials for children’s products of all kinds, including processed food. Mr. Schlosser watched children’s programming with his own children and noticed that the same commercials were replayed. He said he wondered why the commercials did not change. He said it increased recall in the child; the information became “imprinted,” by definition means “to fix firmly, as in the mind.” Mr. Schlosser then said the magic word: brainwashing.

Foods advertised to children rarely have their nutritional health at heart. Only a little information is provided, as sound bites in a commercial, or as stamps on the packaging to ensure they cover the adult’s perception of nutritional value to secure the purchase in response to a child’s constant requests.

And it is feasible that millions of advertising dollars were applied without research and just happened to gross billions of dollars in revenue. If that is plausible to you, not only do I have a couple of bridges to sell you, not just one, mind you, but I’ll throw in for free inflammation so you can experience obesity; rheumatoid arthritis; diabetes, hypertension, and name another-prevalent-disease deliciously disguised in a boxed case of baked goods.