beverages brain depression feelings foods glucose personal growth sugar

Food and Feelings

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Posted on April 16, 2018

Some movies include scenes with characters consuming foods or beverages while they are depressed, sad, or forlorn.  Most of the characters are females eating foods that are usually avoided – loaded with sugar and/or dairy – as if the emotion is an adequate excuse to abandon common sense.  Some drown themselves in alcohol.  Male characters are usually shown consuming alcohol. 
Does art imitate life?  Do scenes like these reflect what people do or do they encourage people to do this when they are depressed? 
Sugar from ice cream, chocolate, or pastry, or alcohol break down to glucose which affects the brain.
In spite of the increase in choices of foods and drinks available, after the consumption, after the slow, uncontrollable state of surrender, one sleeps and then reawakens.  Whatever feeling or thought was there, being stuffed down or washed away, remains.  It never left because it was never addressed.    
In the last forty years, knowledge about personal growth and development has attracted a greater audience.  The information was refined; it grew in subject matter and availability.  More people have the opportunity to improve their lives if they wish.  Others will not avail themselves because they are just not interested.
The feelings that bring you down, unless they are addressed,  will remain.  They may change in intensity, change in what they bring up, but they need to change.  Otherwise, they will remain with you. 
Use all of the available means to transform the issue.  Eliminate the established impulse when the feeling is triggered and rises.  We develop habits and they, depending on how often they are on automatic pilot, are difficult to identify and let go. 
It has been written about before.It is nothing new.Pay attention to yourself.Watch; listen, and feel what you do.It will take time.Make the time to change your life.One minute at a time.It is something you may need to do for yourself each and every day.
Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist, designer, planner, healer, Integrative Health Coach, and inventor. She shares her work and services through 

Metaphysical Services and Spiritual Art

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

Registered Medium and Spiritual Counselor, Certified  Spiritual Healer, Church of Wisdom, and a member of the Holistic Healers/Healing Works Professional Association.

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services

A health coach (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling. I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

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