automated clearinghouse Social Security Administration

Automated Clearing Houses

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Written on November 25, 2015, and posted on January 17, 2018

The following was written on November 25, 2015, a little more than a month after my Beloved’s crossover.
Banks have automated clearing houses or ACMs. I called the Social Security Administration about survivor benefits on Monday, November 23rd, 2015, over a month after my husband crossed over.   The Social Security worker said the funds should have been accessible, the latest should have been Friday, the 26th  I needed funds; I was my husband’s caregiver until he crossed over in October 2015.  All of his benefits ended. 
I called on the 25th of November 2015; the money was released on the 23rd.  The worker confirmed the routing number and the account number twice.  The checking account number was compared to the information taken on the 5th of November by a   Social Security worker who had an unforgettable name: Cinnamon Alexander.  She took her time documenting my case.  I appreciated her sensitivity.  I did not like being in public places at the time.  It felt as if every other moment I would cry.  The last bank account digit was a 5.  The number inputted to the application was a 2.  That delayed my receiving by as much as three weeks.
It was suggested that I call the bank where the account was and ask about the ACH – the automated clearinghouse.  The bank’s representative said the amount is pending and will be available on December 1.  It was insignificant what Social Security said about funds from the Federal Reserve.  The bank’s representative, when asked about the ACH, said it was JP Morgan Chase, and they stated the funds, though pending, will not be available until December 1st.
The agent (whose name I recorded) ended our conversation with a cheerful, “Have a nice day, and thank you for calling South State Bank.”     
I sensed that the delay may have had something to do with the Thanksgiving holiday on the 26th being the excuse.  What are they possibly doing with Federal Reserve money entrusted to them, justifying withholding it from to whom it was issued?   I was the only one left in our family.  I wondered if other people relied on their benefits and decisions on guaranteed funds are made like this, how do they cope?  Is it right, acceptable, and LEGAL for JP Morgan Chase or any other ACM to do this?  I was living in the south at the time: is this a regional action?  Or does this happen all over the country?   How often have they done this?  How often do they do this? I intend to legally pursue this. 
I had not married multiple times.  My husband was my first and only.  After over twenty years with him, unmarried and married, it was impossible to think he would not come home from the hospital with me for more care in our home.       
People say time heals all wounds. It is a generalization.  Time is relative, per person.  As I won’t forget my Beloved, I won’t forget what JP Morgan did.  Not only to me because God knows, how many other people may have experienced discomfort from their short-sighted – customer place – a decision to benefit their long-sighted – stockholder place – bottom line.   This statement is the first of many to bring to light a practice that apparently has happened before.  It may be a standard and not just enacted during the holidays in the southeast region of the United States. 
 Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist, designer, planner, healer, holistic health practitioner, and inventor. She shares her work and services through 

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

Metaphysical Services and Spiritual Art

Registered Medium and Spiritual Counselor, Certified  Spiritual Healer, Church of Wisdom, and a member of the Holistic Healers/Healing Works Professional Association.

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