brain consciousness emotions learner life meditation personal development

How to Make Your Ego Your Bitch

by Gary ‘Z’ McGee

December 28, 2017

from TheMindUnleashed Website

“We are all born free

and spend a lifetime

becoming slaves to

our own false truths.”


Your ego is not your enemy…


It’s more like a clumsy anchor with too many feelings attached to it.


It’s like a whiny, woe-is-me mass of sentimentality constantly tripping over itself in front of you.

If you are the horse, then Ego is the cart that you keep ramming into wondering why you can’t get anywhere.

Still, it’s not the enemy.

It’s one of the most vital aspects of yourself.


The problem is that you are probably its bitch, instead of the other way around.


You are your ego’s tool, and it leverages you against yourself all the damn time.


It slaps you around, and you allow it to.


Hell, you probably welcome it.

This is because you believe (rather than think) that it knows what you want.

It doesn’t.


It’s nothing, more or less, than your sense of self-esteem or self-importance.


It doesn’t know what you want.


It only knows how to keep you safecomfortable, and secure.


It only understands self-preservation…

So the secret to turning the tables on your insecure, uninitiated, tiny ego is to practice,

self-improvement rather than self-importance.


Self-importance leads to impotence.


Self-improvement leads to liberation, self-empowerment, and the rise of an initiated, self-actualized ego that’s ready to take on all comers and prepared to perpetually overcome itself.



Practice getting out of your own way

“Be melting snow.

Wash yourself of yourself.”


Step one in turning the tables on your ego: get over yourself.


Understand that,

you are a fallible, imperfect, prone to mistakes naked-ape fumbling through the toddler-phase of its species’ evolution.


You are a tiny speck of dust in an unfathomably enormous universe that will exist none-seconds compared to the ancient eternity of the cosmos.

That should humble you.


But your ego probably won’t allow it to. It’s too damn scary. Too mortal. Too real. So your ego is probably spoon-feeding you a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance to prevent it from getting overwhelmed.


Hence the vital importance of practicing getting out of your own way.

Humility is a cornerstone of self-improvement.

Humility is the searing pain of seeing the light upon exiting Plato’s Cave.


It’s collapsing in a pile of existential angst in the Desert of the Real after transcending the Matrix.


Humility is the ultimate psychological leveling mechanism.


It puts the ego in check so that you can finally be authentic with yourself.

The beauty of practicing getting out of your own way (and thus making your ego your bitch) is that eventually your ego gets used to driving in the back seat.

It starts to learn how not to take itself so seriously.


It begins to see how everything is connected to everything else.


It becomes a vital tool in your arsenal, used to flexibly leverage reality into an understandable construct.

In short:

it becomes interdependent rather than codependent.

We practice getting out of our own way so that we are humble enough to realize that we’re paraphrasing Palahniuk,

the same decaying organic matter as everything else, but that we’re also unique and fragile snowflakes.

And the only way to become more than just a unique and fragile snowflake is to make self-improvement primary to self-preservation.


We must sow a little painful humility if we are to reap the rewards of self-empowerment.




Stop acting like the world owes you something

“To dare is to lose

one’s footing momentarily.

Not to dare is to lose


Soren Kierkegaard

Here’s the thing:

You don’t deserve a damn thing…!

Someone told you that at some point during your fragile development and your ego has used it as a prop ever since.


Nobody deserves anything.

You don’t deserve love.


You don’t deserve to be happy.


You don’t deserve a job.


Hell, you could even earn those things through your own blood, sweat, and tears, and you would still not “deserve” it.


Because the world simply doesn’t work that way.


There are probabilities involved.


There’s the luck factor. There’s vicissitude and unexpected change to contend with.


And the mother of them all:

you simply cannot control other people, unless you become a tyrant.

Only tyrants think the world owes them something


Your ego is a little bitchy tyrant inside you. And until you have the courage to flip the tables on it, your ego will continue to tyrannize you and everyone around you.


Tricking you into thinking you deserve the world. When really you don’t deserve a goddamn thing.


There’s daring, there’s courage, there’s proactive self-improvement, but there is no “deserve.”

Toss that hindering sentiment out the window.


Defenestrate it along with the outdated notion that “things happen for a reason.”

The beauty of practicing letting go of your sense of entitlement (and thus making your ego your bitch) is that eventually you realize that everything is connected to everything else.

You see how you are the world and the world is you.


You don’t need anything because it’s already a part of you.


Your ego goes from being a self-entitled tyrant to a self-overcoming liberator.



Make mistakes of ambition, not mistakes of sloth

“All courses of action are risky,

so prudence is not in avoiding danger

but calculating risk and acting decisively.


Make mistakes of ambition

and not mistakes of sloth.


Develop the strength

to do bold things,

not the strength to suffer.”

Niccolo Machiavelli

When you are your ego’s bitch, you suffer unnecessarily.


Your tiny comfort zone is a prison, and metal doesn’t stretch. Bars are not flexible. Sure, inside your prison everything is safe, secure, and comfortable, but it’s all just empty platitudes and sentimental delusions that you keep telling yourself to prevent your prison from turning into a rubber room.


But at least a rubber room is flexible.


That’s why the wise have always advised,

going a little crazy from time to time in order to shake things up and shock ourselves into awakening

As Tony Schwartz said,

“Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides.


The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.”

A mistake of sloth is remaining fortified in the prison of your comfort zone.

It’s allowing your ego to continue making you its bitch by bolting the horizon and blocking the door.


It’s ignoring all calls to adventure.


It’s turning a deaf ear to “a language older than words.”

Meanwhile, Rumi is in your soul like a Persian Yoda, pleading:

“Why do you stay in prison, when the door is wide open?”

But no, you won’t have it.

Ego is boss.


Self-preservation is your master.

You’re in the grips of cognitive dissonance and you can’t see past your need for comfort, security, and safety.

A mistake of ambition, on the other hand, is a leap of courage. It’s a strategic risk based upon passion, perseverance, and love.


It’s saying,

“Fuck my ego! I’m giving this a shot.”

Which gets you out of your own way by launching you past comfort, security, and safety and into some much-needed adventure.


It’s heeding the call, listening to the pulse that connects all things, and then acting with deep resolve on a calculated gamble.

The alternative is unnecessary suffering in the prison our ego has erected. Either way there is suffering, but at least in the suffering that comes from making mistakes of ambition, we are free.


As Ajahn Chah said,

“There are two kinds of suffering…

There is the suffering you run away from, which follows you everywhere.


And there is the suffering you face directly, and so become free.”



Create a less shitty life through cyclic self-overcoming

“In all affairs,

it’s a healthy thing now and then

to hang a question mark

on the things

you have taken for granted.”

Bertrand Russell

So yeah, adventure hurts.


The unknown is scary, and unexpected things can happen. Hell, you could even die. Making mistakes of ambition is no walk in the park. Things could go wrong. But so what…!


There are greater pains. There are worse ways to go down.

Like making mistakes of sloth…

Growth is painful…


Change is even more painful. But remaining stuck in a shitty life of aggrandized ego-fellating is arguably the worst pain of all.

This is where the art of self-overcoming comes in.


Self-overcoming is bitch-slapping your ego out of the way, taking the reins of your life into your hands, and proactively going about improving upon who you were yesterday.

It’s taking Nietzsche‘s idea of the Overman and running with it.


It’s a personalized Fibonacci sequence, where your own development is predicated upon an individualized progressive evolution that will ultimately contribute to the evolution of the species.

Self-overcoming is realizing that the human condition is fragile and fallible. And that’s okay…!


That’s precisely why self-overcoming is necessary.

It’s a vehicle that compels us to become robust and wise despite our inherently fragile and fallible natures…

The ego wants to keep you safe in your fragile and fallible comfort zone.


Self-overcoming tears down the comfort zone and teaches the ego how to become a flexible tool of self-improvement rather than a rigid tool of self-preservation.

We’ll still be fragile and fallible, but we’ll also be more robust and wise.

Self-overcoming is the daily act of letting your ego know who’s boss. You are…!


And no amount of comfortable coos and warming sentiments are going to lull you back to sleep.

You’re awake.


Your comfort zone has been stretched and has gained the flexibility to stretch even further.


The tables have been turned. In the poker game of Self, you’ve called your ego’s bluff and now you’re holding all the cards.


Your self-preservation has taken a back seat to your self-improvement.


There’s an initiation at hand.

Your ego is ready to become a mighty tool for self-actualization


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emotions enslavement personal development

Scientology, Tom Cruise and Leah Remini

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica   Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

posted January 17, 2018

“You must listen to me,” said Tom Cruise’s character in the “Edge of Tomorrow.” After watching Leah Remini’s Scientology series (available on Netflix), I thought of some of the roles he selected.  I wouldn’t know if they were all in keeping with changing humanity by, perhaps, holding a mirror to its face.  Maybe some roles were selected so he could pay the rates this religious institution requires for him to reach the top level. In a lot of his movies, his characters are the only ones aware of everything that is vile and no one else understands. He is ridding the world of EVIL.  This is what the Church of Scientology claims to be doing in and for the world.
Well, it is still here.  I think the only “evil” it’s concentrating on is money.  Leah Remini’s series pointed out that every member must attend a presentation filled with videos exclaiming the changes the church is spearheading.  Personally, I’ve seen none.  Changes, that is.  
Where was the Church of Scientology when:
·      Hurricanes Luis and Marilyn devastated the United States Virgin Islands in 1995.  I was living in the British Virgin Islands at the time and experienced both hurricanes, separated by seven days;
·       Hurricane Sandy that moved up the eastern seaboard? It did billions of dollars in damage.
·       Hurricanes in other parts of the world – Haiti, the most hit out of all of the islands and countries?
·       Earthquakes that occurred all over the world?  The 2003 earthquake in Bam, Iran was where over 26,000 people lost their lives;
·       Japan’s nuclear disaster at Fukushima in 2011?
·       Typhoons in the Philippines?
·    The 2004 Christmas tsunami in the Indian Ocean that claimed over 200,000 lives in Indonesia?
In the videos presented to members, one school in Detroit was presented with educational material.  Only one school in the entire country? It only requires one school – to list a book at $20,000 times the total number distributed, transportation of presenters, etc. to document several thousands of donations from a non-profit organization. 
I appreciate Leah Remini’s efforts and the raw experiences of former optimists who wanted to help change the world. Unfortunately, David Miscavige, a high school dropout who coveted the popularity of L. Ron Hubbard, grabbed power and was allowed to maintain it.  The physical attacks on others in full view of other members are acts of his cowardice; someone always stepped in to protect Miscavige’s sorry ass. All of this makes no sense. 
David Miscavige reminds me of the fictional character Lord Voldemort from the Harry Potter series: eager to take over something he had no hand in creating and ruling by fear to keep it. David Miscavige needs Tom Cruise’s money and all of the others’ “contributions” to maintain his position.  
While looking at one of the episodes of the first season, “The Bridge”, I hope that the federal Attorney-General considers examining this corporation, operating as a non-profit religious institution that violates the human rights of every member who hoped to share in changing the world in a collective.  It is a sham.  Scientology is comprised of the indoctrinated, drugged, and coerced to completely ignore their own inner guidance which was what I thought they came to Scientology to explore.  What a wonderful thought! Change yourself as you change the world!  The witnesses, the people who experienced life inside that deception, wanted to change the world and themselves.  But the markers that told them that they achieved the objective kept changing and moving further away.  It seemed that Scientology’s existence requires people to buy in, pay up, obey, and nothing more.
Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist, designer, planner, healer, Integrative Health Coach, and inventor. She shares her work and services through

Metaphysical Services and Spiritual Art

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

Registered Medium and Spiritual Counselor, Certified  Spiritual Healer, Church of Wisdom, and a member of the Holistic Healers/Healing Works Professional Association.

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

Health Coach Services

A health coach (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling. I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

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personal development

Learned to Appreciate Learning

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted December 28, 2010

Untitled by Allison L. Williams Hill

I’ve been taking stock of how many personal development products I purchased.  They are for my own use, however, as an energy healer and a health coach, I thought they would also be of use in a lending library for clients.

Several people in the personal development field have created exceptional interview programs that delve into the human psyche, emotions, and spirituality.  One upholds that each of us can transform ourselves from the rich nature of our being; one draws connections between science and spirit, and another shares how ancient wisdom can help us in modern times.  Each offers different hammers and chisels to penetrate mental and emotional obstructions like releasing a diamond from a mine.

We learn to recognize our phenomenal nature as human beings but that we are also Spirit experiencing the physical.

I was very cruel to myself (infer how I could have been to others) about my inability to get things correct.  I realized years and years later that I learned by doing the incorrect things in order to understand why a thing works the way it does.  The mistakes provided useful information.  Beyond that in more years, as I study these products and others, I have gotten high on the ability to learn and apply the knowledge.

New Age jargon emphasized one’s greatness and perfection.  People thought they could just absorb powers and become “that”.  This absolutely tied into the instant gratification world developed by mass production and technology.  Becoming anything takes time and work.    Initially, parts of becoming have been revealed but not all of it.  What has not been common knowledge, and I think was the missing link, was how the subconscious mind develops and how much control it has in one’s life.

We are at the end of the first year of the new millennium.  With this information about how to control our thinking and with science’s findings, specifically Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work on how thought affects our cells, there should never be another gray hair, fatigued individual, depression, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, or victim.  Physical issues like glaucoma, leukemia and sickle cell anemia are mutations and require special treatment.    However, I look to the day when one person will be written about as having used methods to reprogram the body to heal it of a disease that is only manageable or incurable today.

With all of this information and combinations of applications offering a choice to live free, really free of mental and emotional scaffolding, how would we appear?  What kind of worlds could we create within a world that may not be free of conflict somewhere?  It only takes 10% of the population of minds to make a difference.  A shift will happen and we will witness it.


Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling.  I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica – “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

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