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Removed from the Digital Dowsers

by Allison L. Williams Hill

In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

April 30, 2023

“The Goddess Within” by Allison L. Williams Hill

I had an idea during mediation. I thought it was a good one. I was looking through files and saw the title of this one. I was looking for something but followed a feeling and opened it. It was The  5th Dimensional Freedom Project. I did it that morning and felt so much lighter! I thought it would be a good idea to share my experience with the Digital Dowsers.

My email read as follows:

Allison Williams Hill <>
Wed, Apr 26 at 8:53 AM
Good Morning All!
I hope all are doing well. You may not and there I hope that we can help each other. I was looking through files to resume what I began yesterday. I am creating content for my site, looking for notes and references. 
A suggestion: resume the 5th Dimensional Freedom Project. I did not intend to do it this morning, no plan at all. Saw the file and opened it. Thank you, Spirit! Pendulum worked for quite a while but I feel lighter.  I sense that I am a barometer and am effective. I ask that you all give it a try. We work together if it is possible. Do it and KNOW it’s real. It’s all energy; the creatures using this planet for their benefit through other humans know energy and I feel we can stop all of this. I choose to believe that there are people out there working on this. It’s breaking through because the fight to suppress the world is gaining. They so WANT to win. This fight has been going on for decades.  Persistence wins. I don’t think it matters if we synchronize a time. Random Acts of Love like snowflakes’ random patterns falling everywhere destroys possible defenses. (“Well, we see that it’s at 7 o’clock worldwide. Weak points are here, and here. Let’s plan our counter during these hours.”)  They have free will. And so do we. Keep going. CHOOSE to believe that it is working. This reminds me of a channeling when the spiritist, a dear friend, Raphael, spoke of the Light of God and how people carried it and made sure it never extinguished.
Like Aragorn said to the Dead in the Mountain, “What say you?”
I attached the file anyway. I actually had one I brushed the paragraphs in color. 
I actually feel this when I say I love all of you.
Have a great day.
Allison Williams Hill, Creator of  In-Vesica,
Art  Design  Energy
“Do All Things In-Vesica”

This was the Digital Dowsers’ response to me:

Group Notification <>
To:Allison Williams Hill
Wed, Apr 26 at 3:18 PM

You have been unsubscribed from You will receive no more emails from that group. If this was a mistake, you can resume your subscription within the next 7 days by clicking the following link:

Resume Subscription

The Moderator

Up until that time, I was receiving group emails.


I am asking for your participation, reader. You don’t have to be a dowser to use it.  Use it s a prayer. Add to it what is comfortable for you. Prayer involves Spirit, your ancestors. The Creator reminded us through the Goddess of Liberty that we can request assistance.

From “…the Goddess of Liberty…

“…At the time when mankind were ready for embodiment, I was given the office of consecrating each lifestream chosen and dedicated by the Manu before entering physical birth, the consciousness of the soul at Inner Levels was charged with my words:

“You are at liberty, beloved, to take pure and primal life into the Earth Plane. You are at liberty, beloved, to call upon any and all of Us as you may choose to assist you when the momentums and energies of your own worlds seem not sufficient to handle conditions and to radiate the life to fulfill your Divine Plan.”

CHOOSE to believe the statements work.

Do them randomly during the day. Think of the people attempting to subvert our sovereignty as the Borg in Star Trek:TNG: random delivery will rotate the frequencies to prevent their success.

It makes no sense that all that is going on actually is. What I mean is those who are at the helm of these activities that are suppressing; oppressing, repressing, and depressing (SORDs) the people of this planet, are human and are affected. THEY have glyphosate in their bodies. THEY have aluminum and barium in their systems, etc.  So THEY think they will be protected?  THEY think they will go unscathed? Who told them that THEY would be safe? The implementers and their protectors are the ones to pursue.

Energy can do great things.

The 5th Dimensional Freedom Project
(inspired by Raymon Grace,  organized by the Toronto Dowsers ,  in memory of Ann Fowle)

“Scramble the frequencies of all harmful subliminal messages, transmitted by electronic devices, such as TV, video and computer games, HAARP, HAARP projects, radionics, and electrical current.  Adjust these to the frequency of 5th dimensional energy.

Scramble the frequency of war, fear, hate, greed, terrorism, & martial law.   Adjust these to the frequency of FREEDOM and COMPASSION.

Scramble the frequency of all chemical, biological, and radiological pollutants of the water, earth and air and adjust them to the frequency of pure water, earth and air.

Scramble the frequency of all oppressive governing bodies, groups, the draft, individuals & religious groups and adjust their frequency to 5th dimensional energy.


Allison L. Williams Hill works as an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor. She shares her work and services through

Metaphysical Services and Spiritual Art

Get your free 50-minute Health History. Got to In-Vesica/Health for details.


A Turn

I am electing a different place from which to continue living.

The month of October carried a lot of memories and energy.  Counting back, I was conceived in that month. I met my beloved in the month of my birth. He was born and died in October. It’s been seven years since he died. He and I have been working on continuing our communication and for it to increase in clarity so that I would rarely, if at all, have my sister-friend relay his messages to me.

A new study was recently published that showed anxiety reduces the ability to intuit. Many knew that but now it is “proven”, moving from experience to fact. People who did not consider experience to be acceptable can now catch up.

In many months since my first connection with spirit in 1990 with a person named Rev. Raphael Azariel Francisco di Angelo, a spiritist, I was challenged with various life experiences, the latest and ongoing is my husband’s release of his physical form.  I get that this is the time to learn and embrace new ways to relate to him. Our marriage continues.

He has been patient. He does have other things to do, you know. The dimension he is in is just like this one, however, things occur faster. Here, we have the advantage of the time to change what we desire.

J, my friend, got a message from my husband. She sang offkey (she is wonderful) “Just remember I love you and it’ll be alright…” It was Firefall’s song. I thanked her and play it often, hearing him. Another song I liked was “Miracles” by Jefferson Starship.  And there was “Love Is All You Need” by the Beatles. Love is in all of these songs and the operative feeling.  That was where I began, again.


There Is a “Look and Feel” to Life!

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on March 22, 2014

There is a “look and feel” to life!


There is! I thought of the word “Fail” this morning. I saw it many times on examinations. The feel of the word, that I would have to redo the process to succeed, moved my psyche towards “slow” and then to “halt.”

Why did I think of that word? I slowed down…and back, to a crawl where the general flow of malaise exists. In there, it is quiet, still, dead still. No attention is attracted; no fervor of accomplishment; no excitement from success. There is also no thought, person, or circumstance dragging around my ankles, threatening to drown any new ideas. This place was safe because the expected happened. Nothing.

All of that happened in a couple of seconds. It is amazing how much thinking can go on in a small amount of time, yes? The word “fail” serves as a record of what does not work, as in the ways I chose to approach a test and it did not work. It showed me what I did not pay attention to.

I should have started my Bucket List when I was three. Of all of the things I could regret after I’ve died, there are many of them I don’t even remember now. I’m sure they will flash after I make the transition. Here’s to the next time I take the latest exam and pass. It’s cool to have choices and to make the right one. I will have done it.


 Metaphysical Services and Spiritual Art

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

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