GMOs health Monsanto

GMO Products: Hey! How About Those Normal Tasting Foods That Do Incredible Things to Our Bodies?

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on  January 10, 2018

(Written November 2012)

SD Soul Portrait by Allison L. Williams Hill

In 2012, I’d been listening to and reading many findings about health and disease.  The Farm Bill that year did not succeed regarding GMO labeling.   But continue to alert your Congress people of your desire to have GMO products labeled.  As you know, the farm bill was modified and enough of your trusty representatives thought you did not need to know that your food was altered. GMO products, until next time, will remain anonymously stuffed among food we have consumed for decades.

On his Pacifica Radio WBAI show in 2012 around the time I originally wrote this, Dr. Gary Null read the names of people who were either consultants for or employees of Monsanto who worked for or are working for the government in high power positions.

I began reading the book Seeds of Destruction per the encouragement of a friend.  I found it online but got a copy anyway so I could mark it and include my own notes.  F. William Engdahl, the author produced a remarkable document chronicling the beginning of the path for Monsanto to become the horrific corporation it is.  I did not know that former President George Herbert Walker Bush (41) issued an Executive Order that gave Monsanto the foothold into the health of every American and subsequently the encouragement to achieve the same of every human on the planet.

What Can You Do?

Everybody should support the Farm Bill; there is still more work to do.  Congress systematically votes it down under the effective pressure of the food processing manufacturing industry.  The industry and their lobbyists are telling congressmen that Americans do not know what to think and that less information helps them make decisions easier.  Is that true for you? If it is not, support that which improves your health, not what makes money for ConAgra, Monsanto, Cargill, and the like.

Read Seeds of Destruction by F. William Engdahl.  Learn by understanding the history of the politics of resources and genetic manipulation and, in my opinion, wrongful use of executive power.  The most useful question we need to ask is: can we change this? Can an Executive Order be challenged?  Another question is: given that an Executive Order can be challenged, what would it take to successfully launch and accomplish a project such as this?

January 10, 2018

The project to remove organic foods and supplements continues. The organic produce industry is a multi-billion dollar business.  Money that the processed food industry and the pharmaceutical industry would gladly acquire.  The moves and the means may change but the ends remain the same.  Be cautious in your choice of organization.  The industries that are the biggest offenders of pollution and violate laws and regulations that exist to protect the public, create organizations that represent what people are attracted to, in name only.

Useful Resource

Support the Center for Food Safety and get your copy of the True Food Network Shopping Guide

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services 

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling. I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica – “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

genetics genome

The Expression of Our Genes

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on January 10, 2018


Craig Venter, Founder and CEO of the J. Craig Venter Institute and of SyntheticGenomics, Inc. said his mapped genome showed the propensity to produce amyloidal plague, which causes Alzheimer’s.  He does not have Alzheimer’s yet.  His genes have not expressed it.

Dr. Barry Sears’ Zone Diet addresses inflammation – “the expression of your genes.”

A genome sequence test costs $1,000.00.  Most of us have something else that is readily available: your health history you complete with me, a holistic health practitioner.

What is consumed affects the hormones, according to  Dr. Sears, and the result is how your body develops.  It appears, certainly with my family, that we can control our health by what we eat.  All of you, readers, can control as Dr. Sears says “the expression of your genes” by what you consume.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through

    Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

Health Coach Services

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we
work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling. I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica – “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

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Seed Germination and Space

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on January 10, 2018

Dr. Jewel Pookrum was foremost in helping African-American women eliminate fibroids from their bodies by changing their diets.  She also understood that cells, when not exposed to stress, do not age.  I listened to this presentation on Pacifica Radio in New York several years ago. Dr. Pookrum also said she was not in favor of transporting seeds to germinate in other parts of the world.

I was looking at a vitamin supplement catalog and saw several juices for sale – Mangosteen,  Brazilian Acai, Tibetan Goji, and Noni.  There was an exotic juice that combined all of them.

Dr. Pookrum’s comment about transporting seeds from their place of origin came to mind.

What if the benefits used to sell the juice, based on historical use, are the result of the energy of the place where the seeds germinated and the people who consumed it in that area?

I have grown food on my windowsill in New York and in containers in the British Virgin Islands.  It is obvious each area is different.  New York has a different climate than the Caribbean.  As each area has different criteria for produce, it stands to reason that the energy of each area complements the criteria and would also be different.  I think it is possible that a product can be changed because of the energy changes.

People in Hawaii who consume noni would have a different benefit than someone in New York.  People consuming Tibetan Goji in Tibet would have a different benefit than someone in San Diego.

A lot of the texts for these or other fruits claim to have had many years of use. A culture uses what is available and determines through trial and error how a plant or fruit can be used.   Any fruit or other product consumed for thousands of years by the people who lived in the vicinity of the raw material would be associated with specific information.

I purchased Cho-Wa, the original Tiger Shogun formula because I was excited about the product.  Later I realized that a part of using it was the long, focused trek that people embarked on when they traveled to go to see the monk who created it.  All of them had in mind to get well while they traveled several hours to get to the mountain home of this person.    The instructions attempted to have the user approach a state of mind similar to the travelers.  It did not work for me; I still have 24 out of 30 packets in the cabinet.

It is a little difficult to consume only the foods used here, in the British Virgin Islands, where I am at this time because the diet is cultural.  I do not eat fish heads; bull foot’s soup; souse, and dumplings (literally flour and water only), etc.  I stopped consuming animal flesh in the 1980s.  I stopped consuming fish a couple of years prior to coming here.  I more than made up for that within the first year alone while living here. It is easy to eat the Standard American Diet (SAD) which I gave up because tourism is the main economic pillar and the territory does what it can to please overnight tourists; the United States is the largest market.

Consuming foods within the area where you are located is something to think about.   One diet based on distance does exist.  The 100 Mile Diet, now known as Fuddhist, was the radius set for food from source or purchase to plate.

A USDA map shows planting zones based on the “average annual minimum temperature range” only.  Please visit the site for more in-depth information about yours and any other area.    This does not come close to what I am proposing.  In fact, I have no idea what exactly I am proposing except that with just differences in location, temperature, solar energy, etc. there could be a measured difference in energy that contributes to food production and its effect on and in the food.  How could this be measured?  I need to determine what I am looking for and determine if there is a way to quantify it.  I think it is energy.  A tomato from California (zones 5b- 10b) may have a different energy level than one growing in Colorado (zones 4b-9b).

We all know how important soil is. That has been studied and the information is quantifiable.  However, we can see and feel the soil.    We cannot feel what I am proposing.  Some may be able to sense or see it with the third eye.

Viktor Schauberger discussed the soil’s purple hymen that should not be penetrated with any metal that is not copper or copper plated.  Few people pay attention to this today.  As I develop this, I will write more.  It may go either way: there is something to reveal or I am talking in my hat.  I feel that there is.  It makes sense to me.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy. “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

             Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling.  I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

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personal development

Learned to Appreciate Learning

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted December 28, 2010

Untitled by Allison L. Williams Hill

I’ve been taking stock of how many personal development products I purchased.  They are for my own use, however, as an energy healer and a health coach, I thought they would also be of use in a lending library for clients.

Several people in the personal development field have created exceptional interview programs that delve into the human psyche, emotions, and spirituality.  One upholds that each of us can transform ourselves from the rich nature of our being; one draws connections between science and spirit, and another shares how ancient wisdom can help us in modern times.  Each offers different hammers and chisels to penetrate mental and emotional obstructions like releasing a diamond from a mine.

We learn to recognize our phenomenal nature as human beings but that we are also Spirit experiencing the physical.

I was very cruel to myself (infer how I could have been to others) about my inability to get things correct.  I realized years and years later that I learned by doing the incorrect things in order to understand why a thing works the way it does.  The mistakes provided useful information.  Beyond that in more years, as I study these products and others, I have gotten high on the ability to learn and apply the knowledge.

New Age jargon emphasized one’s greatness and perfection.  People thought they could just absorb powers and become “that”.  This absolutely tied into the instant gratification world developed by mass production and technology.  Becoming anything takes time and work.    Initially, parts of becoming have been revealed but not all of it.  What has not been common knowledge, and I think was the missing link, was how the subconscious mind develops and how much control it has in one’s life.

We are at the end of the first year of the new millennium.  With this information about how to control our thinking and with science’s findings, specifically Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work on how thought affects our cells, there should never be another gray hair, fatigued individual, depression, obesity, anorexia, bulimia, or victim.  Physical issues like glaucoma, leukemia and sickle cell anemia are mutations and require special treatment.    However, I look to the day when one person will be written about as having used methods to reprogram the body to heal it of a disease that is only manageable or incurable today.

With all of this information and combinations of applications offering a choice to live free, really free of mental and emotional scaffolding, how would we appear?  What kind of worlds could we create within a world that may not be free of conflict somewhere?  It only takes 10% of the population of minds to make a difference.  A shift will happen and we will witness it.


Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling.  I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica – “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

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architecture art health

It’s All About The Art

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on December 29, 2016

Extraterrestrials cheering me on!

I always had a desire to do art.  My mother reminded me of the classes for seniors at the community center.  They painted still life using oil paints.  I looked in their faces as they concentrated.  I watched how they mixed colors and applied them to their canvases.   After a while, I’d leave and explore playing with children my age.  After a while, return to the artists.  I spent more time in that room, in the quiet, than with children my age.

I was given special permission to be in the room and, later, receive art instruction from an African American male artist.  I don’t remember his name.  He was in his 60s or 70s at the time.  He made time to critique one of my drawings.  He helped me see the colors within color, how to observe light changes, and many other things.    

From nursery school all the way through to high school, art was at the fore.  I switched it up a little in college.  Too often I heard the phrase “Starving Artists Sale” to remain confident that I could make a living solely as an artist.  I liked architecture because it combined art and science and I pursued that degree thinking the combination would provide me with what I needed to do and what I wanted to do.  I almost completed the licensing process, short one section.  A life priority was more important that to this day, three years in, I have not made the time to resume from ground zero as I’ve lost all I had accomplished.

Five Members of the Ring by Allison L. Williams Hill

I thought the first thing I pursued would be the last thing I complete.  It may be.  After my Beloved crossed over, he said, through my friend who was open to receiving his communication, that I won’t need to.  Architectural knowledge, sacred geometry, and related, that were needed to serve my work were acquired.  It’s all about the art now. 

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through:

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

Get a free 50 minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services

A wholistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition, and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling.  I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica – “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Solo Build It!
In-Vesica Is Powered by SBI!


All of My Last Names

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted June 13, 2015


I have contemplated using all of my last names. I realized, however, that I don’t know them all. I know my mother’s maiden name and that is where it ends so far.   I don’t know her mother’s maiden name.

I was thinking it would be honorable to include all of the names of all of the women who proceeded me. Rather than my father, they were the people who bore the future beings leading to me.

I was given the name Allison Lynette Williams by my mother. Her last name was Johnson. I intend to find her mother’s last name and possibly her mother before her. Then I married. Each woman could have that option: to include the name of her husband’s family after the last names of all of the women who preceded her. This is not for signing documents but more for having name links and the story that ends with the name of the bearer.

I discussed investigating and assembling my mother’s family tree. It acknowledges all of those who came before me. I know her father, my grandfather. But no one knows my grandfather’s parents.

I feel a need to know this. It pays homage to all of the families before me.

Men, and possibly women, may ask, “Is all of this necessary?” My answer is absolutely not. Why, however, limit it to only immediate family? It would be interesting and a different feeling to include all of the women who lead to my existence.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

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In-Vesica Is Powered by SBI!

life Spirit

A Homeless Pregnant Woman

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted March 10, 2015

The Goddess Within by Allison L. Williams Hill

I was listening to Jack Canfield’s story about a homeless, pregnant woman.  She had her plan to give birth to the child and commit suicide, a method already determined. She read self-improvement books in the library, one of which was his book, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and randomly selected a story about puppies for sale.

A little boy saw the sign in a store window for the puppies. The boy saw all of them and one was limping. He asked the storeowner what he was selling them for.  The boy offered what he had, well below what the owner was asking but he said he’d pay off the rest in installments. The owner asked which one he wanted and the boy pointed to the one with the limp. The owner attempted to talk him out of it because the puppy was lame and explained the cause of the disability and that when it grew up it would not be able to do the physical things, like running and jumping, that dogs do.  The owner offered the puppy for free but the boy refused.   The owner asked why, and the boy showed the owner his braced, physically challenged leg and said, “That puppy will need someone who understands.”

The pregnant homeless woman thought if someone could find and care for that puppy, someone can find and care for her.  The story changed her life: she chose to live.

She thought no one cared for her hence continuing her pregnancy, not ending the child’s life which is commendable, and providing for its care after she removed herself from the world of the living.

The pregnant homeless woman was never NOT cared for but she did not, with all she was experiencing, realize it.

I believe there is something there. My faith in the Unseen has to be strong.

I have seen and felt the Unseen before and in dreams, in the faces and hearts of family, friends, and strangers. I believed in it and continue to do so.

When I reincarnated somehow the Unseen was lost and the information was gone.

What happened? How do I bring that faith with each day I exist here?

I already knew.  I needed to give it the time it required to remember through my not- cared-about times.

Kimberly Curcio invited me into the healing space where she did the Brazilian Energization healing on my husband.  I felt the warmth that was not hot.  I felt the touch without a hand.  My eyes widened.  It felt as if it were standing room only. We were surrounded by the Unseen.

God so loved the world that he gave his only son.

God so loved the world that he gave his daughter who became pregnant and homeless and changed her life and helped others.

God so loved the world that he gave us YOU, going through depression, doubt, poor self-esteem, and hopelessness.

God so loved the world that he gave us YOU who will find your way Home.

God so loved the world that he gave us YOU who remembers the way Home and who will help others to get there.

Thank you, God.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

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by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted April 29, 2014

Cat images from Facebook

I watched a video montage of cats pawing people for attention.  It was cute.  At first, I saw a demand for affection.  All of the people that each cat approached were otherwise involved with other activities.

Oscar, the cat at Rhode Island’s Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center made news because it was thought that he sat on the beds of people who were going to die.  The last paragraph from an article offers another possibility:

“The story of Oscar the death-detecting cat is an interesting, lighthearted story, but falls short of being scientifically unexplainable. However, that interpretation is more comforting than another explanation: that the lovable Oscar is really a feline serial killer, bringing death wherever he goes.”

It is a good story, however, there is no scientific proof that the cat actually predicted any deaths.

As I watched each cat’s attempts to redirect the person’s focus, I thought it may be possible that the cats were not in need of affection.  Perhaps the cats were attempting to interrupt what the people were doing because the cats felt that the people needed the distraction.

Is it possible that not all cats are seeking attention when they attempt to attract the eye of their companion?  Is it possible that some cats may be able to sense when a person is in need of relief from what they are doing of which the person may not be aware?   Is it possible that cats so love their companions that they are instinctively moved to care for them?

How can this be proven?  Human participants would require a thorough examination and assessment of their lifestyles.  All subconscious cues from administrators and companions would have to be checked to prevent bias.  With all of the problems affecting society, it is conceivable that funding for this, which may be a multiyear project that could include aging pairs, etc., may be an interesting crowd funder campaign.  I doubt that federal grants would find this attractive.

People have also submitted pictures of cats with dogs.  One image that struck me as possibly giving comfort to a dog was of a cat laying on the dog’s hips.  My knowledge of dog ailments is limited but infomercials have made it easier for dog owners to understand what their pets experience.  As they age, it becomes more difficult for them to move because of the changes in the hip joints.  That was where this cat was perched, carefully perhaps to maintain balance and not cause discomfort to the dog.  Another was laying across the dog’s throat.  It was an amazing image.

Another picture showed a dog splayed across the floor, flat on its belly.  The cat was laying on the dog, its head to the dog’s rear.  Both were sleeping peacefully.

The issue that concerns me is if it were true that cats are gifted beings with an awareness of others’ needs, how can they be supported?  Do cats need to release any energy?  Human healers are reminded constantly about doing this.  It is similar to a doctor washing hands in between seeing patients.  Aside from bacteria, does it make sense that doctors need to release energy as well – theirs and the patient they have just examined- before engaging another?   Cats may have developed their own ways of releasing.  It may be viewed as part of their “unique” behavior.  

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.
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The Calendar, article by Robert Tkoch

Originally posted on April 8, 2014

Detail from Question by Allison L. Williams Hill

The Calendar


Heliocentric Astrology

Author: Robert Tkoch
Source of this article:

In ancient China, any astrologer who failed to uphold the true calendar was immediately executed.

Mankind lives inside of time. He builds empires and sciences as the years go by. His every breath is bound up with the natural cycles of his years.

Consider your own breath. Watch and listen as your breath goes in and out. It is always doing that, and it is essential. If you interrupt your breathing for too long, your body will cease to live.

Likewise with the year. Its pulsating cycles are fundamental to your life. Go against those cycles, and you miss your own natural rhythm. Forget the poetry of the seasons, and you forget life’s poetry in general. Instead, you take your place with the ant-people who toil without ceasing in their eternal twilight.

Your tendency to breathe naturally is the same as your tendency to flow in perfect tune with the earth’s changing seasons. When you flow with these seasons, you live as a poet lives. You live like a lover who sees his beloved’s smile in every sunrise, while every bird that flies above is a gentle thought from her mind.

When you know the seasons and live accordingly, you become aware that every passing year is a delightfully long, passing breath, something done harmoniously, without particular stress or unnecessary effort. Every blessed year becomes a fascinating story, even as every breath is a little gift of life.

But what if you lived under the dictatorship of some totalitarian hooligan who shouted to you, all day long, to “Now! Breathe in! Now! Breathe out! Not like that! Like this! Quickly! Do what I tell you! Breathe in! Breathe out!” and so on? What if your every breath was not allowed to flow naturally, but must obey some insane other schedule?

That would be uncomfortable and chaotic, would it not? If it went on and on, it would lead to all sorts of unnatural things, to a painful existence whose meaning was difficult to comprehend.

But this is precisely the situation with the present Western calendar. People live by this calendar, and they say it is New Year when January 1 rolls around. But January 1 has nothing to do with any natural cycle, and is merely a conventional date that a Roman emperor declared to be New Year.

Starting your year-long breath on January 1 is to fall, every year, flat on your face. For while you are breathing from January to January, the natural year is breathing by a different schedule. And thus do you miss every accord with Nature that you might have achieved. Since you are a part of Nature, to be out of accord with Nature is to be out of accord with yourself. And thus do you fight yourself all year long.

To begin every year at the time of coldness and sleep is to continually drudge through the year. And thus does society keep to its unlively ways. Thus is mankind, a mental organism dependent upon right ideas, enslaved by one error after another, so that — out of tune, unhappy, and stumbling along — he can be more easily manipulated by those who made the wrong calendar in the first place.

Alternatively, some cultures celebrate New Year at the Spring Equinox, around March 20. But this is not the beginning of Spring. Rather, it is the midpoint of Spring, the maximum-point of the Spring season. To celebrate Spring’s beginning on March 20 is to always be too late. And thus does it produce a human culture that is already “too late,” one that goes nowhere, an anachronism of the past, repeating old habits in a twilit realm without progress or hope.

So what is to be done? Live rightly, or righteously. When it comes to the year, live according to the natural year. How do you find the natural year? Very simply.

Think about it. The year consists of changing seasons. There are four natural points to the year:

  1. The moment when the Sun is lowest, i.e., the Winter Solstice
  2. The moment when the Sun is highest, i.e., the Summer Solstice
  3. The moment when the Sun is midway between the highest and lowest, i.e., the Autumn Equinox
  4. The moment when the Sun is midway between the lowest and the highest, i.e., the Spring Equinox

We think of Summer as the time of maximum light. Winter is the time of minimum light. If there are four seasons, each season will last about three months. Then Winter will be the season around the Winter Solstice. The most winterish time will be the Solstice itself, the maximum-point and midpoint of the Winter season. Winter will be a three-month span whose midpoint is the Winter Solstice. During this three-month period, the Sun will apparently traverse a 90-degree segment of the zodiac.

For people living in the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter season will therefore begin when the Sun reaches 15 degrees of the sign Scorpio. The peak of Winter will occur when the Sun reaches 0 degrees of the sign Capricorn. And Winter will end when the Sun reaches 15 degrees of the sign Aquarius. From 15 Scorpio to 15 Aquarius is a span of 90 degrees.

So all four seasons can be defined in term’s of the Sun’s apparent motion through the Zodiac (with approximate dates):

  • Winter begins: 15 Scorpio (Nov. 7).
    Middle of Winter: 0 Capricorn (Dec. 21).
  • Spring begins: 15 Aquarius (Feb. 4).
    Middle of Spring: 0 Aries (Mar. 20).
  • Summer begins: 15 Taurus (May 5).
    Middle of Summer: 0 Cancer (June 21).
  • Autumn begins: 15 Leo (Aug. 7).
    Middle of Autumn: 0 Libra (Sept. 22).

For people living in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are, of course, reversed. Summer begins around Nov. 7, Autumn begins around Feb. 4, etc. But the basic astronomical ideas are the same.

This is the true solar calendar known by the ancients. This extremely simple knowledge has remained largely hidden, simply because mankind is so crazy with the momentum of his own self-importance that he never even looks around to see what season it really is.

In addition, the ancients also made a lunar calendar to complement the solar one, even as the female complements the male. They enacted that each new season should be celebrated at the first New Moon in that season’s sign. Thus, since the solar Spring begins when the Sun reaches the midpoint of Aquarius, the lunar Spring will begin at the first New Moon after the Sun enters Aquarius.

The solar is more male, the lunar is more female. In the ancient times, both were celebrated. But the solar was more authoritative, mental, and orderly, while the lunar was more emotional, festive and sensational. In general, the intellectuals and the nobility would prefer the solar calendar, while the common people would prefer the lunar. But both are important.

Knowing the true seasons, you begin to know the natural cycle on earth. Knowing these, you do the right things at the right time. When everything in your life is done this way, all your days will prosper.

That is why it is so important to be in perfect tune with the seasons. And to be in tune, you must know when the seasons begin. This knowledge is the duty of the astrologer to provide. And since the matter is extremely important, that is why — in the times of old — any astrologer who did not provide this knowledge, faithfully and accurately, was to be immediately executed.

And even though we, living in this banal and democratic age, may not be executed for our ignorance, yet it is still just as important to obey the ancient laws. And thus is it imperative to provide this true information.

For the year 2014, the seasons — for people living in the Northern Hemisphere — will begin at the following moments:

  • Spring: February 3, 2014, 22:00 UT (Solar New Year).
  • Summer: May 5, 2014, 13:53 UT
  • Autumn: August 7, 2014, 13:56 UT.
  • Winter: November 7, 2014, 11:58 UT.

For those living in the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are, of course, reversed. Autumn begins on February 3, Winter begins on May 5, Spring begins on August 7, and Summer begins on November 7.

So what does all of this mean to you? In general, it means that you have been living inside of a social organism that is hopelessly misguided with regard to the natural world, and that you have handicapped yourself considerably by going along with its destructive conventional ideas. But it also means that you — a unique human being with an original mind — can utilize your own divine knowledge and free will to separate from that social organism and its socially self-congratulating ways, instead inventing new life where you can, while you obey ancient laws where that is proper.

It means that if you plan your yearly cycle in accord with Nature, you will live in harmony with Nature. You will flow in tune with the seasons, and all that you do will prosper. Whereas, if you imitate the nations, you will live arbitrarily and conventionally, ignoring the Universe to your own peril.

Think back to other years, and consider what was happening around February 3 or 4. Remember the little signs, the new promptings that pointed toward new experience. Realize that the solar and lunar new years have always been two aspects of each year’s true beginning.

Thus armed with real knowledge and the certainty born of experience, you may choose to begin anew at every true New Year, knowing that your efforts will all bear fruit in a little while.


Robert Tkoch

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through:


Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

Registered Medium and Spiritual Counselor, Certified  Spiritual Healer, Church of Wisdom, and a member of the Holistic Healers/Healing Works Professional Association.

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services

A wholistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling. I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica “Do All Things In-Vesica.”


There Is a “Look and Feel” to Life!

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on March 22, 2014

There is a “look and feel” to life!


There is! I thought of the word “Fail” this morning. I saw it many times on examinations. The feel of the word, that I would have to redo the process to succeed, moved my psyche towards “slow” and then to “halt.”

Why did I think of that word? I slowed down…and back, to a crawl where the general flow of malaise exists. In there, it is quiet, still, dead still. No attention is attracted; no fervor of accomplishment; no excitement from success. There is also no thought, person, or circumstance dragging around my ankles, threatening to drown any new ideas. This place was safe because the expected happened. Nothing.

All of that happened in a couple of seconds. It is amazing how much thinking can go on in a small amount of time, yes? The word “fail” serves as a record of what does not work, as in the ways I chose to approach a test and it did not work. It showed me what I did not pay attention to.

I should have started my Bucket List when I was three. Of all of the things I could regret after I’ve died, there are many of them I don’t even remember now. I’m sure they will flash after I make the transition. Here’s to the next time I take the latest exam and pass. It’s cool to have choices and to make the right one. I will have done it.


 Metaphysical Services and Spiritual Art

“Do All Things In-Vesica”

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