diet exercise food plan health Solo Build It

Primary Food Movement


by Allison L.Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on January 11, 2018

Species (Swim) by Allison L. Williams Hill

(Written May 1, 2012; expanded on March 2013.  I upload it today, March 24, 2014, because I think the information is still relevant.-Allison)

A new series of studies on the effects of prolonged sitting showed the average adult used 90% plus of their time sitting. Greater than half of one’s daily involved sitting doing activities like watching television and driving to work and other places. Prolonged sitting was associated with a positive death risk and it also increased the risk of osteoporosis. Activity up to 7 hours/wk is insufficient to mitigate the effects.

Take a look at Movement-Belly Dancing.

Positive moves include:

  •  taking breaks and walking around or walking a flight of stairs up then down;
  • creating a stand-up desk so you will not be sitting while your work;
  • drinking more water to encourage walking to a restroom for elimination;
  • setting a timer to remind you to take a break, or
  •  increasing the distances between office equipment.

In my design work, I used the kitchen design rule that established the triangle setup distances between the refrigerator, the stove and the sink should add up to no more than twenty-one feet.    Larger, more open kitchens have greater distances between these appliances and no one has complained about it.  Kitchens include more appliances like microwaves and may have an island containing smaller appliances usually organized along the perimeter.

To reduce weight:

– If you need to sit, remain upright.  By all means, do not lie down.  The digestive process slows down when the body is horizontal.

-Reduce sitting immediately after eating.  Take a walk around the block.

-Combine tasks by taking a walk around the house and doing light chores.

-Don’t underestimate the power of gravity.  It helps move matter through your digestive tract. Movement may help form the shape of the accumulated feces in the lower part of the colon aiding elimination.  Large masses can rip the rectum causing bleeding and pain.

Health Focus:

 Recently, it was estimated that Americans ate over a million chickens per hour.

I became a vegetarian 25 years ago.  If I am not eating any bird, who is eating my share?

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

Health Coach Services 

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling.  I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica  – “Do All Things In-Vesica .”

Solo Build It!

In-Vesica Is Powered by SBI!


diet genetics genome health hormones Solo Build It

Aging Hormone Production Question

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on January 11, 2018

Spirit of the Island 2 by Allison L. Williams Hill

From Thiery Hertoghe, MD’s book The Hormone Solution: Stay Younger Longer:

“But the major cause of low hormone production with age is the inevitable aging of the glands themselves.  They simply get used up and worn out. They can no longer replace their own dead cells and waste products build up and get concentrated in the remaining cells, which, slows down their activity and reduces their effectiveness.”1

I read this after my husband and I underwent extensive blood tests.  We both have lowered hormone levels and felt the corresponding changes.

Andropause and menopause are significant  life changes that, unfortunately, unless we remember a previous life where we lived long enough to experience this new change, this different way of life, is a ringer.

My experience could be summed up comically by walking at my usual fast clip pace, thennnn eyeeee sloooooow dooownnnn.  Actually my body does and I am puzzled because I have absolutely no idea why.

Dr. Hertoghe’s idea to get a hormone profile of every person is a good one. As they age, a physician can easily track the differences and assist in returning the person to optimum health.

If low hormone production is due to gland aging and the result of that is the inability to replace accumulating dead cells, then why can’t we clean the organ to support the gland’s ability to produce at any age?

If the organ is allowed to rejuvenate, it should be able to build and eliminate.  The gland will hopefully resume its function because its efficiency has increased.

Live Food to Provide Nutrients for Gland Rejuvenation

I first heard about Ann Wigmore, D.D.N.D., and living foods from Dr. Gary Null.

Ann Wigmore believed that allergies can lead to diseases like ulcers, lupus, obesity,colitus, etc.

Animal protein contains nucleoprotein that breaks down into uric acid, a waste, that excessive amounts causes gout and other debilitating conditions. Plant protein is more easily digested than nucleo protein and does not cause debilIitating conditions.

Sprouted seeds contain higher amounts of Vitamin C, Niacin, and Riboflavin.

Lentil beans, radish, wheat, and mung beans can be sprouted and eaten raw to facilitate the highest and easiest way to help a body heal itself.  Many tests have shown that live food such as sprouts do help reverse dis-ease and helps a body reverse the ravages of aging.

Another Live Food: Wheatgrass

Ann Wigmore used wheatgrass juice, a substance that has the exact molecular configuration as blood except, instead of iron in the center atom of a hemin blood molecule, chlorophyll has magnesium.

Wheatgrass doesn’t permit any bacterial growth.  It contains “…over 100 elements including all minerals.” Some are:

        •     Calcium
        •     Iron
        •     Phosphorus
        •     Potassium
        •     Sodium
        •     Sulfur
        •     Cobalt
        •     Zinc

Wheatgrass juice contains vitamins A, B, C, E, and K.  Wheatgrass juice is used in combination with fresh, organic produce to cure people of cancers who were diagnosed as terminal by allopathically trained physicians.  We thrive on enzymes and minerals.  Wheatgrass juice appears to have it all.


  1. Hertoghe, Thiery, MD, The Hormone Solution: Stay Younger Longer: p. 19

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through

   Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services 

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling.  I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica – “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Solo Build It!
In-Vesica Is Powered by SBI!

consequences development family planning realization Solo Build It Spirit

We Are Exquisite Planners in Spirit

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

(We Are Exquisite Planners in Spirit by Allison L. Williams Hill was originally published on Inner Eden blog pub. August, 2013)

Spirit Is Here by Allison L. Williams Hill

We are exquisite planners in Spirit.  Personally, I used to think, “Why on Earth am I here?” several years ago but not anymore.

“Oh yeah, then how could I possibly have wanted this, this (fill in the blank)?!!”

Perhaps you and I did so to learn to access help and, by doing so, learn to overcome it.

Mom was told don’t get pregnant and then some.  She was never told, “do.”  Nobody told her what she could do.  She lived her young life in apprehension, always warned of painful consequences.  She would tell me “There isn’t anything you can’t do or be.”  She did not tell me how to achieve “anything” because she did not know.  Mom was never taught how to plan.  She learned how to with us – her four children.

Talking to my mother on a weekend in June 2013 revealed the pain she still experiences after the marriage to my biological father ended over 50 years ago and after his passing 14 years gone.  When they went to City Hall to marry, he had to borrow $2.00 from her to pay for the license.  That was a sign of things to come.

A similar pattern continued with my stepfather who crossed over almost twice as many years ago and also promised my mother all sorts of things.  Mom told me recently that he came to live with her, my younger brother, and me, with a vacuum cleaner and a fish tank.  The furniture that I used in our bedroom with my sisters until I left home for college was purchased by my biological father.  The contribution my stepfather made was repainting it.

Mom regrets a lot of and in her life.  She said something sweet: how she learned from us and never regretted our being here.  Mom is over 80 now.  I asked her what she wanted to do.  I got that she wants to rest and just live.

Mom heard the voices; felt the “advice”; sometimes she listened and followed through on the feeling and other times she did not, as have I.  When I ignore the information, the only thing left to do is to adjust to the outcome of the event.  I can also appreciate that the help can reach me and I can be more attentive the next time.  There is always another opportunity.  I think that is the point of living.

How much of this was planned in Spirit? I think it is about what we use to inform ourselves along the way.  When I focus on the perceived inequity of my existence, how much of it is actually unfair?  If I missed the cues; if I did not comprehend the events; if I was limited in expression; if I had parents who were essentially learning with me and were unable to assist with what I needed, what presents itself is to excavate deeply about what occurred; what was given and what I used.

There is also the realm of what exists beyond the self.

“What have you to say about people living in poverty, then?”

I say: if I know about it and I know there is little they can do for themselves because I know it, it becomes an integral part of my life to help them overcome.  As planning is learned and applied, it is  knowing all along, within my heart, there is always help, unseen, heard, or felt, that directs me to be alive and remain that way; or to a book, or to walk to a certain place, stand and ask, “What now?”  It is a question of when I realize that the help is there to access and use it.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through:

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

 Solo Build It!
In-Vesica is powered by SBI!

demonstrating gratitude desires Institute for Integrative Nutrition Solo Build It splendid visualization

How to Splendo to Become Splendid

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

(How to Splendo to Become Splendid by Allison L. Williams Hill was originally pub. On Inner Eden 5/2012)

“Prophecy” from the “Gifts from Spirit” series   

Splendid is defined as “brilliant with light or color, radiant; magnificent, glorious; illustrious,” from the Latin meaning “to shine.”  The second syllable of splendid is the past tense of having done; to bring about, executed.

Now, do, as in “to-“fulfill, complete.”  Similarly, the definitions for “did” also apply to “do.” What differentiates them is time; we “do” to get to “did.”

The word “splendid” was the charm.  I was lying in bed around 3AM when the idea presented itself.  A new word – splendo – meaning “to make brilliant with light or color; to make magnificent; to make shine.”

You physically make things, and your body, shine by polishing, over and over, until it reflects light.  Silver; brass; gold; pots and pans, and even shoes look better, cleaner.  You scrub your body with a loofah; synthetic scrubber, and exfoliates.  You use toothpaste and shampoos.  When you do any of those things, you validate the positive.  Those acts cleanse, brighten, and preserve. You are, essentially, demonstrating gratitude.  You appreciate what you have.

We get to splendid by splendoing; we do to become.  Begin by being grateful for existing.  There are few lives that have storybook experiences.  It may help to read biographies, of famous and not-so-famous people. They are born into obligations and responsibilities; age; divorce; become ill; have relatives who become ill; or succeed, or fail like other people. Learn about their paths and trials and how they used their abilities to grow.  Similar experiences may provide useful insight.

Express gratitude.  “I AM” is an enormously powerful statement, a declaration of being “here.” Mentally say, “I desire (Fill in the blank. All of the universes are the limit!!) in my life.” Intend for the outcome that you cast free in the ether.  Some of you may not know how to intend. You intend by supporting it, by meaning it.  Pinky swear! It is said that when this is done, the intention that is, is going to happen and you should let it go.

On the other hand, our minds tend to clinch its mental teeth on that which we want and do not have. A positive way to empower the intention is to add parts to its whole by deepening the entire outcome.  Get clear on the car, type, color, equipment, etc. that you want, and even things that have not even been invented yet.  Strengthen this by how you will use the car.  The car can bring you to a national park where you can fall in love with nature again.  The car can bring you to the soup kitchen connected with the shelter you created that houses several families and people in transition.

Think about how useful a person you already are.  Clarify your subject of study and associated subjects that will strengthen it and what happens beyond that such as whether you are employed or employing one thousand qualified people! Go beyond that and visualize and prepare for the tens of thousands your work will positively affect. Think about how that will happen.  Think about how that will make you feel.  Think about how you will shine your light into the world.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through In-Vesica.

Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details. 

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling on weight management, emotional eating, and self-image issues to professional women, caregivers, and healers.

I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Solo Build It!
SBI – the place where I successfully learned to create In-Vesica.