brain consciousness emotions learner life meditation personal development

How to Make Your Ego Your Bitch

by Gary ‘Z’ McGee

December 28, 2017

from TheMindUnleashed Website

“We are all born free

and spend a lifetime

becoming slaves to

our own false truths.”


Your ego is not your enemy…


It’s more like a clumsy anchor with too many feelings attached to it.


It’s like a whiny, woe-is-me mass of sentimentality constantly tripping over itself in front of you.

If you are the horse, then Ego is the cart that you keep ramming into wondering why you can’t get anywhere.

Still, it’s not the enemy.

It’s one of the most vital aspects of yourself.


The problem is that you are probably its bitch, instead of the other way around.


You are your ego’s tool, and it leverages you against yourself all the damn time.


It slaps you around, and you allow it to.


Hell, you probably welcome it.

This is because you believe (rather than think) that it knows what you want.

It doesn’t.


It’s nothing, more or less, than your sense of self-esteem or self-importance.


It doesn’t know what you want.


It only knows how to keep you safecomfortable, and secure.


It only understands self-preservation…

So the secret to turning the tables on your insecure, uninitiated, tiny ego is to practice,

self-improvement rather than self-importance.


Self-importance leads to impotence.


Self-improvement leads to liberation, self-empowerment, and the rise of an initiated, self-actualized ego that’s ready to take on all comers and prepared to perpetually overcome itself.



Practice getting out of your own way

“Be melting snow.

Wash yourself of yourself.”


Step one in turning the tables on your ego: get over yourself.


Understand that,

you are a fallible, imperfect, prone to mistakes naked-ape fumbling through the toddler-phase of its species’ evolution.


You are a tiny speck of dust in an unfathomably enormous universe that will exist none-seconds compared to the ancient eternity of the cosmos.

That should humble you.


But your ego probably won’t allow it to. It’s too damn scary. Too mortal. Too real. So your ego is probably spoon-feeding you a healthy dose of cognitive dissonance to prevent it from getting overwhelmed.


Hence the vital importance of practicing getting out of your own way.

Humility is a cornerstone of self-improvement.

Humility is the searing pain of seeing the light upon exiting Plato’s Cave.


It’s collapsing in a pile of existential angst in the Desert of the Real after transcending the Matrix.


Humility is the ultimate psychological leveling mechanism.


It puts the ego in check so that you can finally be authentic with yourself.

The beauty of practicing getting out of your own way (and thus making your ego your bitch) is that eventually your ego gets used to driving in the back seat.

It starts to learn how not to take itself so seriously.


It begins to see how everything is connected to everything else.


It becomes a vital tool in your arsenal, used to flexibly leverage reality into an understandable construct.

In short:

it becomes interdependent rather than codependent.

We practice getting out of our own way so that we are humble enough to realize that we’re paraphrasing Palahniuk,

the same decaying organic matter as everything else, but that we’re also unique and fragile snowflakes.

And the only way to become more than just a unique and fragile snowflake is to make self-improvement primary to self-preservation.


We must sow a little painful humility if we are to reap the rewards of self-empowerment.




Stop acting like the world owes you something

“To dare is to lose

one’s footing momentarily.

Not to dare is to lose


Soren Kierkegaard

Here’s the thing:

You don’t deserve a damn thing…!

Someone told you that at some point during your fragile development and your ego has used it as a prop ever since.


Nobody deserves anything.

You don’t deserve love.


You don’t deserve to be happy.


You don’t deserve a job.


Hell, you could even earn those things through your own blood, sweat, and tears, and you would still not “deserve” it.


Because the world simply doesn’t work that way.


There are probabilities involved.


There’s the luck factor. There’s vicissitude and unexpected change to contend with.


And the mother of them all:

you simply cannot control other people, unless you become a tyrant.

Only tyrants think the world owes them something


Your ego is a little bitchy tyrant inside you. And until you have the courage to flip the tables on it, your ego will continue to tyrannize you and everyone around you.


Tricking you into thinking you deserve the world. When really you don’t deserve a goddamn thing.


There’s daring, there’s courage, there’s proactive self-improvement, but there is no “deserve.”

Toss that hindering sentiment out the window.


Defenestrate it along with the outdated notion that “things happen for a reason.”

The beauty of practicing letting go of your sense of entitlement (and thus making your ego your bitch) is that eventually you realize that everything is connected to everything else.

You see how you are the world and the world is you.


You don’t need anything because it’s already a part of you.


Your ego goes from being a self-entitled tyrant to a self-overcoming liberator.



Make mistakes of ambition, not mistakes of sloth

“All courses of action are risky,

so prudence is not in avoiding danger

but calculating risk and acting decisively.


Make mistakes of ambition

and not mistakes of sloth.


Develop the strength

to do bold things,

not the strength to suffer.”

Niccolo Machiavelli

When you are your ego’s bitch, you suffer unnecessarily.


Your tiny comfort zone is a prison, and metal doesn’t stretch. Bars are not flexible. Sure, inside your prison everything is safe, secure, and comfortable, but it’s all just empty platitudes and sentimental delusions that you keep telling yourself to prevent your prison from turning into a rubber room.


But at least a rubber room is flexible.


That’s why the wise have always advised,

going a little crazy from time to time in order to shake things up and shock ourselves into awakening

As Tony Schwartz said,

“Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides.


The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.”

A mistake of sloth is remaining fortified in the prison of your comfort zone.

It’s allowing your ego to continue making you its bitch by bolting the horizon and blocking the door.


It’s ignoring all calls to adventure.


It’s turning a deaf ear to “a language older than words.”

Meanwhile, Rumi is in your soul like a Persian Yoda, pleading:

“Why do you stay in prison, when the door is wide open?”

But no, you won’t have it.

Ego is boss.


Self-preservation is your master.

You’re in the grips of cognitive dissonance and you can’t see past your need for comfort, security, and safety.

A mistake of ambition, on the other hand, is a leap of courage. It’s a strategic risk based upon passion, perseverance, and love.


It’s saying,

“Fuck my ego! I’m giving this a shot.”

Which gets you out of your own way by launching you past comfort, security, and safety and into some much-needed adventure.


It’s heeding the call, listening to the pulse that connects all things, and then acting with deep resolve on a calculated gamble.

The alternative is unnecessary suffering in the prison our ego has erected. Either way there is suffering, but at least in the suffering that comes from making mistakes of ambition, we are free.


As Ajahn Chah said,

“There are two kinds of suffering…

There is the suffering you run away from, which follows you everywhere.


And there is the suffering you face directly, and so become free.”



Create a less shitty life through cyclic self-overcoming

“In all affairs,

it’s a healthy thing now and then

to hang a question mark

on the things

you have taken for granted.”

Bertrand Russell

So yeah, adventure hurts.


The unknown is scary, and unexpected things can happen. Hell, you could even die. Making mistakes of ambition is no walk in the park. Things could go wrong. But so what…!


There are greater pains. There are worse ways to go down.

Like making mistakes of sloth…

Growth is painful…


Change is even more painful. But remaining stuck in a shitty life of aggrandized ego-fellating is arguably the worst pain of all.

This is where the art of self-overcoming comes in.


Self-overcoming is bitch-slapping your ego out of the way, taking the reins of your life into your hands, and proactively going about improving upon who you were yesterday.

It’s taking Nietzsche‘s idea of the Overman and running with it.


It’s a personalized Fibonacci sequence, where your own development is predicated upon an individualized progressive evolution that will ultimately contribute to the evolution of the species.

Self-overcoming is realizing that the human condition is fragile and fallible. And that’s okay…!


That’s precisely why self-overcoming is necessary.

It’s a vehicle that compels us to become robust and wise despite our inherently fragile and fallible natures…

The ego wants to keep you safe in your fragile and fallible comfort zone.


Self-overcoming tears down the comfort zone and teaches the ego how to become a flexible tool of self-improvement rather than a rigid tool of self-preservation.

We’ll still be fragile and fallible, but we’ll also be more robust and wise.

Self-overcoming is the daily act of letting your ego know who’s boss. You are…!


And no amount of comfortable coos and warming sentiments are going to lull you back to sleep.

You’re awake.


Your comfort zone has been stretched and has gained the flexibility to stretch even further.


The tables have been turned. In the poker game of Self, you’ve called your ego’s bluff and now you’re holding all the cards.


Your self-preservation has taken a back seat to your self-improvement.


There’s an initiation at hand.

Your ego is ready to become a mighty tool for self-actualization


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agreements ancestors meditation personal growth

Removed from the Digital Dowsers

by Allison L. Williams Hill

In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

April 30, 2023

“The Goddess Within” by Allison L. Williams Hill

I had an idea during mediation. I thought it was a good one. I was looking through files and saw the title of this one. I was looking for something but followed a feeling and opened it. It was The  5th Dimensional Freedom Project. I did it that morning and felt so much lighter! I thought it would be a good idea to share my experience with the Digital Dowsers.

My email read as follows:

Allison Williams Hill <>
Wed, Apr 26 at 8:53 AM
Good Morning All!
I hope all are doing well. You may not and there I hope that we can help each other. I was looking through files to resume what I began yesterday. I am creating content for my site, looking for notes and references. 
A suggestion: resume the 5th Dimensional Freedom Project. I did not intend to do it this morning, no plan at all. Saw the file and opened it. Thank you, Spirit! Pendulum worked for quite a while but I feel lighter.  I sense that I am a barometer and am effective. I ask that you all give it a try. We work together if it is possible. Do it and KNOW it’s real. It’s all energy; the creatures using this planet for their benefit through other humans know energy and I feel we can stop all of this. I choose to believe that there are people out there working on this. It’s breaking through because the fight to suppress the world is gaining. They so WANT to win. This fight has been going on for decades.  Persistence wins. I don’t think it matters if we synchronize a time. Random Acts of Love like snowflakes’ random patterns falling everywhere destroys possible defenses. (“Well, we see that it’s at 7 o’clock worldwide. Weak points are here, and here. Let’s plan our counter during these hours.”)  They have free will. And so do we. Keep going. CHOOSE to believe that it is working. This reminds me of a channeling when the spiritist, a dear friend, Raphael, spoke of the Light of God and how people carried it and made sure it never extinguished.
Like Aragorn said to the Dead in the Mountain, “What say you?”
I attached the file anyway. I actually had one I brushed the paragraphs in color. 
I actually feel this when I say I love all of you.
Have a great day.
Allison Williams Hill, Creator of  In-Vesica,
Art  Design  Energy
“Do All Things In-Vesica”

This was the Digital Dowsers’ response to me:

Group Notification <>
To:Allison Williams Hill
Wed, Apr 26 at 3:18 PM

You have been unsubscribed from You will receive no more emails from that group. If this was a mistake, you can resume your subscription within the next 7 days by clicking the following link:

Resume Subscription

The Moderator

Up until that time, I was receiving group emails.


I am asking for your participation, reader. You don’t have to be a dowser to use it.  Use it s a prayer. Add to it what is comfortable for you. Prayer involves Spirit, your ancestors. The Creator reminded us through the Goddess of Liberty that we can request assistance.

From “…the Goddess of Liberty…

“…At the time when mankind were ready for embodiment, I was given the office of consecrating each lifestream chosen and dedicated by the Manu before entering physical birth, the consciousness of the soul at Inner Levels was charged with my words:

“You are at liberty, beloved, to take pure and primal life into the Earth Plane. You are at liberty, beloved, to call upon any and all of Us as you may choose to assist you when the momentums and energies of your own worlds seem not sufficient to handle conditions and to radiate the life to fulfill your Divine Plan.”

CHOOSE to believe the statements work.

Do them randomly during the day. Think of the people attempting to subvert our sovereignty as the Borg in Star Trek:TNG: random delivery will rotate the frequencies to prevent their success.

It makes no sense that all that is going on actually is. What I mean is those who are at the helm of these activities that are suppressing; oppressing, repressing, and depressing (SORDs) the people of this planet, are human and are affected. THEY have glyphosate in their bodies. THEY have aluminum and barium in their systems, etc.  So THEY think they will be protected?  THEY think they will go unscathed? Who told them that THEY would be safe? The implementers and their protectors are the ones to pursue.

Energy can do great things.

The 5th Dimensional Freedom Project
(inspired by Raymon Grace,  organized by the Toronto Dowsers ,  in memory of Ann Fowle)

“Scramble the frequencies of all harmful subliminal messages, transmitted by electronic devices, such as TV, video and computer games, HAARP, HAARP projects, radionics, and electrical current.  Adjust these to the frequency of 5th dimensional energy.

Scramble the frequency of war, fear, hate, greed, terrorism, & martial law.   Adjust these to the frequency of FREEDOM and COMPASSION.

Scramble the frequency of all chemical, biological, and radiological pollutants of the water, earth and air and adjust them to the frequency of pure water, earth and air.

Scramble the frequency of all oppressive governing bodies, groups, the draft, individuals & religious groups and adjust their frequency to 5th dimensional energy.


Allison L. Williams Hill works as an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor. She shares her work and services through

Metaphysical Services and Spiritual Art

Get your free 50-minute Health History. Got to In-Vesica/Health for details.

emotions Institute for Integrative Nutrition meditation music The Elephant and the Driver

Adam King’s Music

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

Written on January 18, 2017, posted on January 18, 2018

The Spirit of the Island II by Allison L. Williams Hill
I’m listening to HALO right now, one of Adam King’s compositions. I met Adam King by mistake. Darius Barazandeh, the founder of You Wealth Revolution, had workshops I was interested in. Adam King’s The Tessera Method, my error selection, was not one of them. He offered me the opportunity to try it and if I was not satisfied, he would refund the cost. I rarely listen to or use the course I wanted instead of the Tessera Method. Things do happen for a reason.
The Tessera Method offers the user a different way of thinking. If applied, the tangled web of emotions and logic reform to produce a balanced way forward. You drive yourself instead of your reactions to the external world driving you.
I recently thanked him for carrying me.  I did not explain on Facebook that I was grateful for all of the hours of his music and Tessera that helped me through, and continue to, my husband’s body death.  I played one piece over and over and over.  It kept me “here.” So often I thought of joining my husband. My Beloved wanted me to be around more people because had I remained in isolation, I probably would have done it.  I thought of it many times before meeting him. The only thing that changed was the reason, not the method.  Another friend who crossed over made it clear to me that the feelings one carried into suicide remained with them.  It would not have brought me to my Beloved.
I listened to Adam’s music as I wrote my first novel.  I listened to his music as I meditated.  I listened to his music as I did psychic art.  And I listened to his music as I cried for my Beloved as I lay in his bed.
I am here for a reason and I am pursuing it.  I do my best by God.   Some might be thinking, “Well, what is it?”  Only I need to know.  If it brings us together, then we will both learn from it and move through it.
Below are some of the videos  I created with Adam’s music, with his permission.

One more thing.  As I wrote Shades, my first novel, Adam’s music was playing in my head. Chartreuse was dancing to “Freedom Andrea’s Oboe.” Click on Shades to read a few chapters.
 Thank you, Adam. You are a genius.
 Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through

     Get a free 50-minute Health History.  Go to In-Vesica/Health for details.

 Health Coach Services

A holistic health practitioner (or health counselor) is a wellness guide and supportive mentor. Together, we’ll work to achieve your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, food cravings, sleep, and energy. Through working with me, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the foods and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance, and health.

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that we look at how all areas of your life are connected and affected. Does stress at your job or in your relationship cause you to overeat? Does lack of sleep or low energy prevent you from exercising? As we work together, we look at how all parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

I lead workshops on nutrition and offer individual and group health and nutrition counseling. I realized a dream to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and it changed my life.  Let me support you to change yours.

In-Vesica – “Do All Things In-Vesica.”

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