consequences development family planning realization Solo Build It Spirit

We Are Exquisite Planners in Spirit

by Allison L. Williams Hill  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

(We Are Exquisite Planners in Spirit by Allison L. Williams Hill was originally published on Inner Eden blog pub. August, 2013)

Spirit Is Here by Allison L. Williams Hill

We are exquisite planners in Spirit.  Personally, I used to think, “Why on Earth am I here?” several years ago but not anymore.

“Oh yeah, then how could I possibly have wanted this, this (fill in the blank)?!!”

Perhaps you and I did so to learn to access help and, by doing so, learn to overcome it.

Mom was told don’t get pregnant and then some.  She was never told, “do.”  Nobody told her what she could do.  She lived her young life in apprehension, always warned of painful consequences.  She would tell me “There isn’t anything you can’t do or be.”  She did not tell me how to achieve “anything” because she did not know.  Mom was never taught how to plan.  She learned how to with us – her four children.

Talking to my mother on a weekend in June 2013 revealed the pain she still experiences after the marriage to my biological father ended over 50 years ago and after his passing 14 years gone.  When they went to City Hall to marry, he had to borrow $2.00 from her to pay for the license.  That was a sign of things to come.

A similar pattern continued with my stepfather who crossed over almost twice as many years ago and also promised my mother all sorts of things.  Mom told me recently that he came to live with her, my younger brother, and me, with a vacuum cleaner and a fish tank.  The furniture that I used in our bedroom with my sisters until I left home for college was purchased by my biological father.  The contribution my stepfather made was repainting it.

Mom regrets a lot of and in her life.  She said something sweet: how she learned from us and never regretted our being here.  Mom is over 80 now.  I asked her what she wanted to do.  I got that she wants to rest and just live.

Mom heard the voices; felt the “advice”; sometimes she listened and followed through on the feeling and other times she did not, as have I.  When I ignore the information, the only thing left to do is to adjust to the outcome of the event.  I can also appreciate that the help can reach me and I can be more attentive the next time.  There is always another opportunity.  I think that is the point of living.

How much of this was planned in Spirit? I think it is about what we use to inform ourselves along the way.  When I focus on the perceived inequity of my existence, how much of it is actually unfair?  If I missed the cues; if I did not comprehend the events; if I was limited in expression; if I had parents who were essentially learning with me and were unable to assist with what I needed, what presents itself is to excavate deeply about what occurred; what was given and what I used.

There is also the realm of what exists beyond the self.

“What have you to say about people living in poverty, then?”

I say: if I know about it and I know there is little they can do for themselves because I know it, it becomes an integral part of my life to help them overcome.  As planning is learned and applied, it is  knowing all along, within my heart, there is always help, unseen, heard, or felt, that directs me to be alive and remain that way; or to a book, or to walk to a certain place, stand and ask, “What now?”  It is a question of when I realize that the help is there to access and use it.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist; designer; planner; healer; integrative health coach, and inventor.  She shares her work and services through:

“Do All Things In-Vesica.”

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attractiveness development financial capability health manifestation Time visualization

Manifestation May Need Time

by Allison L. Williams  In-Vesica  Art  Design  Energy

“Do All  Things In-Vesica.”

Originally posted on March 21, 2014

Visualization or manifestation may not happen in a time period one would expect. It is a talent that requires development like anything else.   Notice that many of the authors, workshop leaders, etc. rarely say how much time it would take to realize your dreams.  Everybody is different.  Every mind is different.  Some of the time required to invest in what you desire may need to be used in “removing” the negative ideas of not having – worth, responsibility, attractiveness, financial capability, etc.  These must be removed to make room for the positive.

Whatever was said by whom whether positive or negative matters only if you believe it.  You may need the support of friends, under each arm, lending strength until you can stand on your own.   They may be corporeal – an aunt, a friend, or a teacher.  They may be Spirit – an aunt, a friend, or a teacher.

If you hear or feel a negative saying in the midst of doing the work, stop and begin again.  Say the opposite of what you heard.  If you hear it again, grit your teeth.  Then begin again.  If you hear the same thing or another negative saying,   shake it out of your head.  Ask yourself: was this ever really true?  Then begin again.  Always continue.  Begin again until you reach the point where you no longer have to begin again.  You will have created a new way, a new way forward eradicating the blocks.  Our best expression of life is to create in positive, transformative ways.

Be sure to place a date on your activity.  Have it in “5 months” or “by whatever date” rather than having it on-going….into space.  Only focus on the outcome, not how it’s going to come to you.  You have friends, whether you know them, or not, who are working to help you realize what you are working towards.

Allison L. Williams Hill is an artist, designer, planner, healer, holistc health practitioner, and inventor. She shares her work and services through:

In-Vesica Art  Design   Energy

“Do All Things In-Vesica”